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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”PT%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000″ font_shadow=”none”]The serve is the single most important shot in tennis and if you can’t serve well, then you’re just handing points to your opponents.

In this Rock Solid Serve Domination Course I’m going to give you the knowledge you need to practice and develop spin. You see, spin is the answer to not just a better serve percentage for first serves, but it is the critical component for a reliable second serve that is NOT a “sitting duck” for your opponent.

I will show you how to eliminate the “fear factor” and give you the secret to be able to develop a reliable weapon that you can count on – serve after serve.

Don’t worry if you have been frustrated with this element of the game, I know, I’ve seen the frustration and I’ve been teaching for 40 years. With my method, I will show you how to end that frustration and turn one of the most difficult shots into one of the easiest and most fun shots.

The serve is the toughest aspect for players to master. I have the fixes, the guidance and the knowledge to help you at every step of the way.

The result? Consistent Tennis Wins. PERIOD![/text_block]

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Your Training Includes

  • 25 Videos that cover everything from fundamentals to critical serve secrets and a special bonus video analysis to elevate you serve with more power, accuracy and consistency
  • Learn the proper grip, toss and stance fundamentals
  • Learn the critical serve types
  • Learn topspin secrets and how to develop a topspin serve
  • Learn how to gain maximum racquet speed
  • Learn how to gain more power and mph
  • You won’t be left wondering…all the common problems and fixes illuminated
  • Learn serve mentality and how to practice to embody your newfound skill
  • 2 Extra BONUSES: The serve mindset and personal serve critique
  • Lifetime access to all this for $100 off the regular price
  • And much more…

Ready To Elevate Your Game?

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Compare to other courses $150-197. I know my courses work because my students say it has changed their game in ways they never thought possible.
Now, just $97.


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